Postgres vs Oralce

Postgres and Oracle are among the most popular and widely used RDBMS. Both systems have similar features and different features that make them unique to any environment or business setting. In this series I will cover both systems but will not go in depth into their Administrative side Similarities Both systems supports JDBC connection protocols which can be utilized to connect to java based applications like Oracle JDeveloper. For data manipulation, To_Char, To_Number, To_Date & To_Timestamp , concat (|| ||), Upper and Initcap which are utilized in Oracle based database can also be used in Postgres. Sequence is utilized in both Databases to generate unique identifiers for primary key based columns. With Oracle 12c, identity column was introduced as an alternate for sequence. B tree based indexes are utilized in both database systems for Primary key columns utilized for unique columns. Difference There quite difference with Oracl...